A grassroots racial justice organization based out of Grenada, Mississippi.
Who We Are
We are educators, leaders, mentors, servants, mentees, historians, community organizers, and activists. We see the need to have a true historical analysis as critical to understanding how to affect change in communities. Our mission is to work towards developing leadership and build power in local African American Communities to stand against all forms of oppression, both internal and external.

About Us

Activists With a Purpose Plus is a grassroots organization that came out of the work of Activists With A Purpose, which was formed by Dianna Freelon-Foster and guided by the spirit and wisdom of other community members, including Kiamshi Study Group members.
AWAP initiated community organizing initiatives with the goal of establishing long-term community and organizational infrastructures to support effective grassroots community organizing.
Today, our organization has grown to include a broad group of community organizers, educators, and community strategists. We are a racial justice organization that focuses on issues affecting African Americans' lives, specifically economics, education, labor, law, and politics.